Saturday, October 27, 2018

Where's the Turkey FREE book Companion + Paperback or Kindle Edition

"Where's the Turkey" is available as a Kindle book or paperback!

It's time for a warm holiday gathering, and traditional family favorites are making their way to the Thanksgiving table. But where is the turkey? Find out in this richly illustrated picture book about a vegan family's Thanksgiving. 

My students love to search for the turkeys hidden throughout the book. I am the author-illustrator and I'm a long-time vegan, as well as a speech therapist. Like most SLPs, I use children's literature almost daily in my sessions at a primary school, and I was inspired to create my own Thanksgiving picture book after finding a need for a story in which the Turkey is not threatened at some point. 

Click on any of  the illustrations in this post to get my free 12-page book companion which contains bingo cards, a pragmatic activity, activity extension ideas, and more.

Of course you can use the companion pack without purchasing the book, but if you would like a copy, click here for the Amazon link.

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