Friday, January 24, 2025

Free "I SPY" printables - Excellent for Mixed Groups!

I have gotten more use out of these printables than almost any other resource. And they are FREE! Here's how I use them:

  • Mixed groups - Students busy finding and coloring while other students rotate for drill
  • Sentence expansion: Sometimes I make a sentence strip and write or paste it on the bottom 
    • (i.e. "I found the ____"
  • WH questions - Which one is for ___?
  • Describing - I model a few then ask "tell me about the___"
There's a huge variety to chose from in the 40+ Printables. You can even sign up for email notifications for new additions! That way you can see that Harry Potter and Food Trucks have been added! 

I'm not affiliated with the site at all; I've just found it incredible useful and the printables are well done.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Where's the Turkey FREE book Companion + Paperback or Kindle Edition

"Where's the Turkey" is available as a Kindle book or paperback!

It's time for a warm holiday gathering, and traditional family favorites are making their way to the Thanksgiving table. But where is the turkey? Find out in this richly illustrated picture book about a vegan family's Thanksgiving. 

My students love to search for the turkeys hidden throughout the book. I am the author-illustrator and I'm a long-time vegan, as well as a speech therapist. Like most SLPs, I use children's literature almost daily in my sessions at a primary school, and I was inspired to create my own Thanksgiving picture book after finding a need for a story in which the Turkey is not threatened at some point. 

Click on any of  the illustrations in this post to get my free 12-page book companion which contains bingo cards, a pragmatic activity, activity extension ideas, and more.

Of course you can use the companion pack without purchasing the book, but if you would like a copy, click here for the Amazon link.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Animal Sort

As part of my unit on Animals, I get out my old plastic animal set and some props. The wooden house and barn were made when my daughter was little, but you can use anything that represents a habitat - even just a laminated picture or a Lego structure. The pond is a piece of felt.

I put all the animals into the black bag, then the student says a target word or asks a question (see the prompt below - we were working on using "IS"). Then they pick an animal and choose the correct habitat. Some of my students practiced saying "The (animal) goes in the (zoo, farm, etc).

Sometimes I ask the question. For example, "What animal says moo?" or "What animal lays eggs?" Then I hand them the animal when they guess.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Snow Prepositions

These bears are from an old game by Linguasystems. I don't play the game. Instead, I use the pictures to work on prepositions (using the sentence strip as needed). Seems boring but my K, 1, and 2s seem to love it!

Snowman Cootie

I'm not sure where I got the "parts" for this snowman, but I'm sure you can find some online somewhere. I drew the snowman body myself, and again, I'm SURE you can find a better body! Just like in the old fashioned cootie game, you roll a die (or spin a spinner - in fact you could even make a spinner with the parts on it) and see who completes the snowman first. Now, if we would just get some snow..

Monday, December 26, 2011

Rice Box

I've never been a big fan of using food for non-food purposes. For example, I really disapprove of pasta necklaces on principle. However, I do love my rice box and, sanitary purists plug your ears, I've been using the same rice for 4 years. We build immunity in my classroom!

I hide all kinds of things in the rice throughout the year. I don't bring it out until Halloween, when I hide some themed erasers. What you see in the picture is a selection of the mini-toys I hide around December. Sometimes I hide picture magnets and we put them up on a surface as we find them. As usual, say sounds, make sentences, describe objects at each turn.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Folder Articulation Activity

This one takes some work, but I used it as a warm-up for many weeks in a row. When the students and I were tired of it, I packed it up and sent it home for homework.